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Williams Cleuch Pines

I drove across Redesdale and the Wannies today to Kielder Forest, to look at a handful of very special trees..

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Home Assistant

Has the cat been fed?

If, like me, you have a cat, you will be aware that they’re very good at persuading you that they’ve not had breakfast yet, even though you could swear you j...

Home Assistant

Home Assistant runs on a Raspberry Pi and can control most modern Smart Home devices, plus a whole load more you can make yourself.

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Arduino Car Counter

While talking about electronics at work, my colleague mentioned a car counter he’d bought for a large sum of money that never really worked. I had the idea t...

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Merrick and the Galloway Hills

Across the border far into the Galloway Hills this weekend. I did walk this area about 12 years ago and loved it, so a return trip.

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